Keep warm and well

For more information about the health and wellbeing services available for people in East Sussex, visit:

Keep warm and well | East Sussex County Council

Health and wellbeing | East Sussex County Council

Support with the cost of living | East Sussex County Council

Get the right care | Sussex Health and Care


Are you an informal carer?

  • Make sure the home of the person you look after is kept warm, at least 18 degrees
  • Make sure the person you care for keeps taking their prescribed medicines
  • Make sure that any repeat prescriptions are filled in advance as many surgeries and pharmacies close over Christmas
  • Make sure the person you care for takes their prescribed medicines as directed
  • Make sure the person you care for has a well-stocked medicine cabinet to help them manage common minor ailments
  • When the weather is bad check up on the person you care for and advise them not to go out
  • If the person you care for is prescribed antibiotics, make sure they finish the course
  • If the person you care for starts to feel ill, advise them to seek help and advice from their pharmacy straight away
  • Unless it’s an emergency do not take the person you care for to A&E or call 999.  If you are in any doubt, call NHS111 to get the right treatment
  • Access self-care advice and information on the right NHS services from
  • Keep tissues with you and use them to catch coughs or sneezes, then to bin the tissues and kill the germs by washing your hands
  • Have your flu and covid jabs
