Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions for use of the service

By using the website and subscribing to receive these alerts you agree to the following terms and conditions of the service.

Cold Alert Service:

East Sussex County Council manages the coldAlert service with specialist support from partners in health information, research and technical support.


You must be at least 13 years old to register for this service. If you are under 13 you can get a parent or someone else who cares for you to register for you.

Limitations of the forecasting system and liability for your health:

Weather can be unpredictable and therefore the accuracy of coldAlert forecasts is not guaranteed. The forecasts and health advice provided on the coldAlert website is purely indicative. East Sussex County Council and partners accept no liability for your health nor for any action you take based on the forecasts or alerts or the consequences of your actions.

Service provision:

East Sussex County Council will endeavor to provide forecasts and alerts on the days and at the times chosen by users, but accepts no legal liability for failure to provide these forecasts and alerts nor the consequences of any actions you may take arising from such failure.


The forecasts text summaries are the intellectual property of East Sussex County Council and may not redistributed or published by any means without the prior written permission of East Sussex County Council.