What do to

You will receive a Cold Alert when the alert level changes from Green (Be prepared) to Yellow (Alert and Ready) or when escalated to Amber (Take Action) or Red (Emergency Action).

Anyone can register to receive Cold Alerts and they can be requested for different locations (i.e home or work).

Receiving a Cold Alert may be helpful for older people, people with breathing and/or heart conditions, carers and health professionals.

Cold Alert is a service provided by the Sussex Air Quality Partnership (Sussex-air) working in partnership with East Sussex Public Health and health professionals to minimise the impact of severe cold weather conditions on individuals and patients in East Sussex.

What to do when you receive a cold alert:

  1. 1

    Make sure that you have food and medical supplies to sustain you during the cold weather spell

  2. 2

    Set your daytime room temperature to at least 18°C

  3. 3

    Dress warmly in lots of thin layers

  4. 4

    Have at least 1 hot meal a day – eating regularly helps keep you warm. Have hot drinks regularly too.

  5. 5

    Keep in regular contact with relatives and neighbours who may be affected by cold weather

  6. 6

    Take the weather into account when planning your activity over the following days. Avoid exposing yourself to cold or icy outdoor conditions if you are at a higher risk of cold related illness or falls

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    If you must go out, dress warmly and wear non-slip shoes. Tell someone where you are going and when you will get back. Keep your mobile phone (if you have one) on you and charged

  8. 8

    Discuss with friends and neighbours about clearing snow and ice from in front of your house and public walkways nearby, if you are unable to do this yourself.

  9. 9

    Keep active when you’re indoors. Try not to sit still for more than an hour or so.

  10. 10

    Check on those you know that are at risk. If you are concerned about your own health or that of others, alert emergency services

  11. 11

    Keep your bedroom at 18°C all night if you can and keep bedroom windows closed.

  12. 12

    If you are on a prepayment meter and struggling to pay, get help with the costs of heating.
